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The Life Path Report for
May 31, 1971
8:14 AM
North Vancouver, Canada 
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Most people are familiar with their Sun sign based on the month and day of birth. The Sun sign answers the question, "What's your sign?" It is the reference point that is employed when we read newspaper and magazine horoscopes. But what about the nine other heavenly bodies that make their influence felt in our lives? These planets were also in a particular sign of the zodiac when you were born. Here is where Astrology really begins to come alive for each individual. This report will take you on a revealing journey as you travel through each interpretation based on your unique month, day, and year of birth. If your birth time was included, then the Rising sign will add yet another dimension to your personal horoscope interpretation. If it is not included because you don't have an accurate time of birth, there is still much useful and insightful personal information that can be gleaned from your report.
This report takes into account the various spiritual and psychological implications, as well as the material plane potentials which are part of your individual life plan. In this case the word potential is used because you have been given a certain amount of free will and the life choices that you make will determine to a large extent the level at which these cosmic energies actually play themselves out. Use this report to find confirmation for what you already feel intuitively and to unlock the door for new life possibilities that you may not have yet considered. This is where the strength and real value of your personal Astrological report is found.

Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:

Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun     9 Gem 31              Pluto  27 Vir 00
Moon    5 Vir 12              N. Node 17 Aqu 59
Mercury 18 Tau 31              Asc.   20 Can 10
Venus  15 Tau 52              MC     23 Pis 21
Mars   12 Aqu 55              2nd cusp  6 Leo 50
Jupiter  0 Sag 33              3rd cusp 26 Leo 42
Saturn 27 Tau 45              5th cusp  0 Sco 40
Uranus  9 Lib 33              6th cusp 14 Sag 28
Neptune  1 Sag 29

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction  : 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition   : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square       : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine        : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile      : 4 Deg 00 Min

Chapter 1:  The Ascendant

The precise time on the day of your birth determines your particular Ascendant, also known as your Rising Sign. This was the zodiac sign that was rising over the horizon when you were born. In addition to your Sun and Moon Sign, the Rising Sign reveals very important traits that make up a major part of your personality and your individual approach to life. This is usually the impression you like to make before you really get to know someone; it is your outer personality and image.

Cancer Rising:

There is a distinct part of your outer personality that expresses itself very much like a Cancer. You are emotional, personable and intuitive.
Since this was the sign of the zodiac that was rising over the horizon at your time of birth, the principle of Cancer--your personal security foundation--will be integrated into almost every area of life in some way.
The Moon is your chart ruler. To discover even more about what's a priority for you, and also the first impression you make on others, read everything in the chapter on the Moon.

Mercury in soft aspect to Asc.:

A part of you identifies with all things that relate to the communication of ideas, learning, mental pursuits, speaking and spreading information around.
Other people get a strong first impression of you based on the way you talk and they hear more of what you say than you may think. Project a positive image by polishing up your communication skills if necessary.
You have an aura of youthfulness that stems from an ability to grow and bend with the winds of change.

Chapter 2: The Sun

The placement of the Sun in your chart will show you how (the sign) and in which area of life (the house) tremendous potential exists for you. Here is where you want to be successful. The Sun cannot be ignored. We must meet and deal with the area of life that the Sun shines on in our chart in order find ultimate fulfillment. Everything revolves around the Sun. When you master whatever issues the Sun points to, then other areas of life will proceed in a more balanced and satisfactory manner. The Sun also represents: your own will, major goals, the father, men in your life, children, creativity, and the real inner you.

Sun in Gemini:

Clever, social, and communicative, your general approach to life is light hearted. You can be somewhat hard to pin down because you have a wonderful natural curiosity about life. You prefer to know at least a little bit about everything. The restless nature of Gemini is quite conducive to your preference for a wide variety of experiences and mental pursuits. Geminis often won't take a particular subject into great depth, but for you, just having a taste of the smorgasbord that life offers is enough to satisfy.
This is the sign of communication in all of its various forms, whether verbal, written, or just learning for the joy of it. You like sharing what you have learned with others, and the latest news and even gossip has a hard time sneaking by you.
Because of your storehouse of bits of information, you find it easy to understand different viewpoints, and you prefer to agree with someone rather than create conflict.
Taking life too seriously is not appealing to you. "Lighten up" could be your motto and other people sense this, which generally makes you easy to be around and therefore in demand socially.

Sun in 11th house:

Your personal fulfillment is reinforced by expressing your uniqueness. Chances are you will find yourself having to work cooperatively within the framework of a group of people. The life challenge here is to work cooperatively while maintaining a certain amount of your own autonomy. You may have to make a choice about leaving the confines of a particular group and striking out on your own at some point.
You must rely on your intuition when dealing with certain associates, as this placement of the Sun can make you vulnerable to being taken advantage of by those who don't really have your best interest at heart. On the other hand, influential people may appear who can help you attain your fondest hopes and wishes.
There is a side to you that can be unpredictable, rebellious and highly independent. That which is considered to be different, unusual, or in some cases bizarre, appeals to you. You're often a step ahead of the crowd. Appreciate your own uniqueness.

Moon Conjunct or in hard aspect to Sun:

Your innermost will feels like it's in a constant state of trying to make peace with your feeling, emotional side. Even so this lack of complete harmony within yourself can provide the spark that motivates you toward personal achievements.
Most likely there existed some kind of tension between your parents. Even if this was not openly expressed, you picked up on it as a child. As a result you may have inner expectations that relationships must contain a certain element of conflict. At any rate, this also means that Mom and Dad kept each other in line somehow.

Mars in soft aspect to Sun:

Here is the opportunity to draw on willpower backed by action when the need arises. Vitality and physical energy are promoted in a positive manner and your endurance is high when you're motivated. You know how to compete for your own survival, but you generally don't go out of your way to challenge others unless you feel it's really necessary.

Uranus in soft aspect to Sun:

Periodic life changes that seem to come out of the blue usually turn out to be positive advancements along your life path.
You have an independent streak in you and your life goals are furthered by your willingness to experiment with new avenues of expression.
You have a knack for introducing radical changes into traditional institutions without losing the support of those in positions of authority.

Chapter 3: The Moon

The Moon in your chart represents the past and points to an area of life (the house) where we function out of instinctive awareness. Often we have a deep emotional need to do the things that the Moon's house placement represents. Whenever insecurities arise and our feelings become involved, we tend to bring the traits (the sign) of our Moon into play. The Moon is like our security blanket. It also represents: the home, females in your life, the mother, nurturing others or being nurtured ourselves, as well as things related to the domestic scene in general.

Moon in Virgo:

You enjoy helping others and you have an emotional need to feel useful. You also require a certain amount of order and routine in your environment.
This is a good placement for those who enjoy crafts, as it fulfills your need to feel like you are doing something constructive while at the same time using your natural talent for attention to details.
You may be health oriented also, but the Moon in Virgo can turn into hypochondria if the tendency to worry gets out of hand.
Your emotional need for perfection can drive people who don't understand it (as well as you) to distraction if it becomes obsessive.
Too much chaos and clutter can actually make you feel depressed. When you're feeling down, hope lies in getting busy doing something creative or useful such as housework, crafts, cooking, or anything else that employs your ability to create order out of confusion.

Moon in 3rd house:

You're quite imaginative, and there is a strong emotional need to communicate and to express your ideas.  You need to be heard and you would like others to appreciate what you have to contribute intellectually. Your mind is changeable and you must make an effort to focus consistently on one thing at a time.
Your upbringing influenced your thinking and/or your attitude toward expressing yourself.
A close network of siblings, relatives, or even neighbors and community involvement are important to your emotional well-being.

Jupiter Conjunct or in hard aspect to Moon:

When you become emotionally involved in a situation, you tend to blow things out of proportion. Once an emotion takes hold, it's hard for you to show restraint and then you wonder why others find it difficult to get as worked up as you are, or take you as seriously as you'd like.
When you're upset you can get careless and you cope by indulging your whims of the moment.

Neptune Conjunct or in hard aspect to Moon:

Depending on the particular mood of the day, you can be super-sensitive to every little thing, and you'll often want to retreat into your own secluded spot. Sometimes allowing yourself to "space-out" seems like the only way to preserve your emotional balance. Meditative states of mind where you allow your thoughts to flow without judgement can bring highly revealing insights into the nature of reality. A natural psychic ability is common.

Chapter 4: Mercury

Mercury is the planet of communication. It tells us about how we think and talk. You can gain insight into your mode of gathering, processing and transmitting information from Mercury's placement in your chart. Mercury also represents: transportation, the five senses, youth, reading, and writing.

Mercury in Taurus:

You learn by experience and steady application.  You prefer dealing with hard facts and whatever you learn you do not easily forget.
You express yourself verbally in a manner that is often slow and measured, and you may have a voice that is attractive to others.
Voluntary change doesn't come naturally to you, and sometimes rigid thought patterns and opinions can be difficult to shift.

Mercury in 11th house:

You probably have numerous social contacts and many of your friendships are based on shared ideas rather than purely emotional interests.
You have an active mind and the ability to come up with unusual ideas.  You can harness the power of your mind to turn your wishes into actuality.

Venus Conjunct or in hard aspect to Mercury:

You are often tempted to change your viewpoint in order to avoid conflict with others. This can create an inner tension around your communications. This aspect calls for balance between understanding others and being true to your own expression of ideas.

Chapter 5: Venus

Venus is the planet of relating to others, and thus is associated with love, attraction and socializing. In a male's chart, Venus can provide clues about traits he finds attractive in females. In a female's chart, it reveals something about how she relates to males. Venus is also the planet of material goodies and sensual delights in all of their various forms. Venus also represents: money, harmonious conditions, pleasurable activities, beauty, and the arts.

Venus in Taurus:

Affectionate and devoted, you generally make a cooperative and loyal partner. In relationships, whether with a lover or a good friend, Venus in Taurus can make you overly attached to a situation that in truth it would be better to leave. Usually this is due to avoidance of change, and change is something that Taurus doesn't feel especially comfortable with. The same qualities that make you devoted and loyal can turn into jealousy and possessiveness if not checked.
You absolutely and totally enjoy all of the good things life has to offer. This is a very sensual placement for Venus.  Even your clothing must feel good as well as look good.
You have a deep appreciation for beauty in all its forms, especially those that express natural simplicity and lasting value.

Venus in 11th house:

Getting involved in group experiences is beneficial for you and you enjoy working cooperatively with other people especially those who come together with a common goal in mind.
Relationships in general have an unpredictable quality about them and you are often attracted to independent and unusual people.
The advice and support of females may lend assistance in the attainment of your hopes and wishes, however, let your own discretion be the bottom line.

Mars Conjunct or in hard aspect to Venus:

Something about your appearance has a magnetic quality that attracts the attention of other people.
You'll get more of what you really want if you aren't afraid of letting others know exactly what it is that you desire.

Chapter 6: Mars

Mars is our planet of action, energy output, motivation, and instinctive biological drives. It shows how and in which area of life you are willing to put forth a lot of effort. Mars' energy is quick, impulsive, and survival oriented. In a male's chart, Mars reveals something about how he relates to females. In a female's chart, Mars can provide clues about the traits she finds attractive in males. Mars also represents: competitive situations, conflicts, accidents, and sexual energies.

Mars in Aquarius:

The planet of drive and aggression in the sign of unexpected change combines to make you very independent, self-sufficient and experimental. You can be very persistent with regards to a desired goal. Just make sure that your aims are worth fighting for. You may be willing to put forth a lot of energy toward humanitarian causes or even radical social change. When carried to extremes, you may express a kind of negative rebelliousness just because you get a certain amount of satisfaction from upsetting other people's more traditional apple carts. You might even enjoy the "eccentric" label others pin on you as a result of the your behavior! Those with Mars in Aquarius may find that they need the support of those they have alienated.  The lesson here would be to balance radical independence with a cooperative spirit. After all, Aquarius is also the sign that represents the Brotherhood of Man.
Your energy level can be erratic and you may at times find that it's easier to think about your hopes and dreams rather than back them up with action. This placement supports the metaphysician / high-tech worker / astrologer / airline pilot.

Mars in 8th house:

You're an intense person to say the least, even if this isn't readily apparent on the outside. There's a side to you that is passionate, vigorous and hates to back down when your back is against the wall.
Should you choose, you may delve into the handling of other people's money. Any field where research and investigation are necessary as well as metaphysical subjects are possibities for you.
Your intuition is strong and psychic potential can be developed. Your ability to survive drastic change is strengthened with Mars here.

Uranus in soft aspect to Mars:

Your real "genius" comes forth when you're involved in a crisis, or whenever your immediate survival is at stake.
A sense of adventure and the willingness to experiment with new ideas adds excitement to your life.
Caution is advised as this aspect can accelerate your activity and cause accidents.

Chapter 7: Jupiter

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and taking things beyond normal limits. It shows us where the universe allows us to indulge ourselves, and often we find that wherever it is in the chart is where things work out in our favor eventually. Some call this luck. Jupiter also represents: faith, ideas about God, abstract thinking, high ideals, and abundance.

Jupiter in Sagittarius:

Freedom-loving, adventurous and inspirational, your mental capacities are expansive and grasping abstract theories is like child's play to you. You enjoy creating your own life philosophies.
There is strong potential here for lots of travel and contact with more than the usual share of foreign cultures.
Benefits in life come in the form of a kind of a special protection called luck. You are more than willing to take what others would consider to be foolish risks, and even though this makes for some tight situations, "Lady Luck" always seems ready to catch you before you hit bottom.
You speak the truth, often without pausing to mentally rehearse the effect that your candid approach will have on the sensitivities of other people.
Money is something you enjoy using to indulge yourself, however you can be as generous with other people as you are with yourself.

Jupiter in 5th house:

If you ever decide to do a little gambling or financial speculation, Jupiter here can make you luckier than usual. Beware of overconfidence in this area though, as Jupiter can tempt one to take foolhardy risks.
Creative endeavors are enhanced with this placement.
You enjoy your leisure time, and your social/romantic life is very important to you. Your heart is big and you're generous with your love.

Saturn Conjunct or in hard aspect to Jupiter:

Often you feel challenged to find a balance between letting your hair down and otherwise indulging yourself, versus doing what is considered proper and acceptable by traditional standards. Saturn, the planet of restraint, is urging you to create an equilibrium between these urges. Remember that you are being encouraged to find a balance, which doesn't mean you must eliminate joy, optimism and hope.
Trust your intuition and nurture faith and positive thinking. If you find that obstacles to the realization of goals always seem to pop up, then it's important for you to take an honest inner inventory of what you really believe you deserve. Immerse yourself in all activities that encourage self-esteem and positive thinking.

Neptune Conjunct or in hard aspect to Jupiter:

Sentimental and idealistic, you often find the reality of day to day struggles difficult to bear. The best way to use this aspect is to stay tuned into universal forces that promote faith and acknowledgment of a higher power in your life. You have the ability to move beyond simple faith into the realm of true enlightenment. This a lifetime in which the stars lend encouragement where spiritual pursuits are concerned. Take some classes in meditation and learn some techniques for grounding yourself on a daily basis.
Practice dealing with mundane responsibilities while they're still molehills instead of putting them off until they turn into mountains.
Allow the imperfections of the world to stimulate practical actions for improvement. You can be a powerful force for goodness. Gurus may come and go, but remember to make your own intuition the bottom line; it will not fail you.

Pluto in soft aspect to Jupiter:

Expansiveness and intensity of purpose combine to provide you with a well-spring of power and presence from which to draw. This will aid in the realization of your plans. Even with this reserve of power behind you, you are not one to misuse this energy.
You are a seeker of truth and you remain open to complete overhauls in your belief systems, especially those that no longer serve you. You will defend your principles to the end and you have no fear when it comes to taking a stand on the side of justice.
All subjects that fall into the metaphysical/spiritual category arouse your curiosity and endeavors along these lines are definitely complemented with this aspect going for you.
Large sums of money may play a role in your life experience. These can be either generated by yourself, an inheritance or through the handling of other people's resources.
Try to resist overindulgent lifestyle habits and seek the middle path at least some of the time.

Jupiter is Retrograde

Your abundance is felt on the inside. You can feel satisfied with less than other people, which can be quite admirable in a way. The result is, it's easy for you to settle for crumbs when you'd really like more out of life. Take an honest inner inventory of what you believe you deserve, because that's what you'll get. Affirm to yourself that you can have what you want because you're worth it.

Chapter 8: Saturn

Saturn is our planet of restriction and discipline. It shows us where we may feel inadequate in some way, and thus we take this area of life very seriously because we want to perfect ourselves. Saturn also represents: life lessons to be learned, trials and tests, a strong sense of duty, and bringing ideas into material form.

Saturn in Taurus:

You will hardly ever act out of impulsive desire, instead preferring to weigh your actions with caution and patience. You may be emotionally prudent, but your will is powerful.
You will no doubt learn many lessons about the use of resources and also the sharing of those resources. You may be the long-suffering type who is into self-imposed denial of material goods, or you may actually go to the other extreme of overindulgence in order to boost yourself during periods of sagging self worth. You have the ability to develop a deeper understanding than most people of what the word "values" really means.
Reminder: money problems and romantic losses can begin to evaporate when you decide to truly appreciate the resources of the earth, share what you do have, and open your heart to deep emotional sharing. Your throat, neck and voice might represent vulnerable areas physically.

Saturn in 11th house:

You are loyal to your friends and you take your relationships seriously. You more than likely have a few close friends rather than many.
You can be very dedicated when working toward a cause that interests you, especially one which requires the cooperation of a like-minded group of people. You would do well to enlist the moral support that groups can offer.
Hold on to your dreams. You may have to persevere in order to make them a reality, but time and determination are on your side.

Neptune Conjunct or in hard aspect to Saturn:

You will be challenged to resolve conflicting urges: to find solid existence within the material sphere versus
escaping reality and finding a more ideal life experience. The "real" world sometimes becomes too much to bear and a part of you is strongly attracted to those who claim to hold the true way to enlightenment and inner peace. The problem is, you tend to have many doubts about that which is not readily apparent via the five senses.
The positive side of this aspect is that it instills an ability to take that which can be imagined and bring it into solid form. Art, music, and other creative endeavors can provide a satisfactory means for rising above the crassness of everyday existence and entering a more utopian environment, even if you must create it yourself.
It is imperative that you abolish irrational doubts and fears. Do whatever it takes to cultivate confidence, faith and perseverance. Avoid alcohol, drugs and anything else that can turn out to be a negative escape route.

Pluto in soft aspect to Saturn:

You have a highly-developed sense of responsibility. You rarely blame others for the circumstances of your life. You know that to place blame outside of yourself only serves to diminish your own power to alter those situations that call for drastic change.
Self discipline and endurance are traits that you will continue to perfect throughout life. It's easy for you to become compulsive about your ambitions once a decision is made. This can take you far, but try to alleviate some of the self-imposed pressure by taking the time to experience the lighter side of life whenever possible.
You have great depth of character and you embody the phrase, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Chapter 9: Uranus

Uranus is a planet of unexpected change and unpredictable events. It tells us something about where we have unusual ideas and how we want to express our own unique individuality. Uranus also represents: rebelliousness, sudden awakenings, invention, progress, genius, anything "New Age," and humanitarian efforts.

Uranus in Libra:

Uranus was in the sign of Libra for approximately seven years. This means that you are part of a large group of people who will share many of the same fundamental characteristics such as the ability to be cooperative, diplomatic and fair. This placement of Uranus brings an unusual or progressive approach to marriage and partnerships in general.
When you read your individual house placement for Uranus, you will be able to see where these traits will express themselves on a more personal basis.

Uranus in 4th house:

You can be a genius when it comes to being courageous enough to march to the beat of a different drummer. Your upbringing somehow encouraged this approach. Perhaps there were many changes of residence. If you struggled during your childhood because either you or your family circumstances didn't fit the norm, this can now be utilized to your advantage.
The world needs more free thinkers. Your life will not be boring!

Uranus is Retrograde

You can be a real character inside. Few people get this impression right away. You'd rather play the role of conformist until you feel comfortable enough to let your hair down. Then everyone is either shocked or pleasantly surprised depending on whom you hang out with.

Chapter 10: Neptune

Neptune is a planet that dissolves hard and fast boundaries. It is where we don't always see things as they really are, mostly because we would rather view the world through rose-colored glasses.
With Neptune, anything becomes a possibility, especially that which we can imagine. Neptune also represents: tuning into other planes of reality, the spiritual dimensions, cosmic consciousness, movies, music, and inspired creativity.

Neptune in Sagittarius:

Because Neptune stays in the same sign about fourteen years, there are many other people who will experience the same things that this placement brings to varying degrees. Some of these include: the ability to integrate unorthodox spiritual concepts with more traditional viewpoints, an intense attachment to personal freedom and philanthropic leanings based on compassion and idealism.
Your house position will show where Neptune affects your life on an individual basis.

Neptune in 5th house:

Any creative pursuits which you undertake can be greatly reinforced with Neptune here. You have a flair for creating drama and glamour.
The dating scene and other activities that fall into the "love affair" category are often approached with unrealistic expectations. Later on when reality visits you can end up feeling disillusioned and betrayed. These kinds of situations can be avoided by making sure that you and your intentions are nothing less than accurately represented in the beginning of the relationship.
You would do well not to put all of your apples into speculative financial ventures because the outcome may often be not what you imagined.

Neptune is Retrograde

Ever heard the term "suffer in silence?" Does it apply to you? Ask yourself why you find it so difficult to share your real pain with others. Someone made you feel guilty a long time ago and now a part of you lives as though you're trying to make up for whatever the original so-called transgression was. You want to heal the whole world. Start with forgiving yourself in no uncertain terms. Unload other people's shabby misconceptions which have been foisted upon you and find the tranquility you deserve.

Chapter 11: Pluto

Pluto is a planet that brings with it transformation. Something about the area of life that it points to will undergo a complete change. Significant lifestyle changes can happen whenever Pluto is involved. Deep, complex issues will be brought to light eventually. It is where conditions can swing from one extreme to the other. It's all or nothing.
Pluto also represents: psychological probing, keeping secrets or bringing them to light, power and control issues, obsessions, healing and purification.

Pluto in Virgo:

Pluto is the slowest moving planet, and thus is recognized as exerting a generational influence as it moves through each zodiac sign.
With Pluto in Virgo you're part of the generation that can experience radical changes in scientific discovery, the medical profession, diet and nutrition and the work ethic.
On a personal level, those with Pluto in Virgo tend to be aware of health related issues and are analytically minded, perfectionist and discerning.
Read the house placement for Pluto in your chart. It shows you an area of life where this planet has a more personal influence.

Pluto in 4th house:

If power struggles and manipulation played a role in your upbringing, then you can make a choice as an adult whether or not to continue the pattern. There is no middle of the road concerning your deepest emotional and security needs. Do whatever it takes to heal any childhood traumas.
You can use adversity as a catalyst that stimulates your determination to overcome obstacles and be a success.

Pluto is Retrograde

Some people go through massive changes that are clearly shown in outer circumstances. You go through tremendous inner upheavals followed by rejuvenation on the inside. You are one strong individual. You have depth of character and a lot of class. You've earned it. You're like tempered glass. You might crack, but you won't shatter.

Chapter 12: Elements, the North Node, and the Midheaven

In this section of the report we interpret the following astrological influences: the Moon's North Node, the MC (the 10th house cusp or Midheaven) and also a preponderance of an astrological element. A "preponderance" occurs when 4 or more planets or the Ascendant is in that element: fire, earth, air, or water. Many people do not have a heavy emphasis of a particular element so not everyone will have an interpretation of an element emphasis.
If the individual chart has aspects to the MC, these will reveal certain career options and potentials for your consideration.
The North Node is an important pointer along the pathway of life. You'll have to be willing to stretch yourself and move away from familiar patterns in order to meet the challenge of the North Node.  Great rewards will be reaped in the form of personal growth and reaching your potential goals. The North Node sign will suggest an approach to the area of life represented by its house position.

North Node in Aquarius:

Incorporating the following traits into your life will make it easier in the long run to attain goals.
The best way to describe this principle is to imagine a bird having to leave its nest for the first time. It is extremely challenging, but it's the only way to really learn to fly.
Give yourself permission to be different. Personal growth is accelerated by fully accepting your own unique qualities and by demonstrating your ability to take a stand for what you believe in. This is especially true if you find yourself functioning within the confines of a group. Organizations of like-minded individuals can support your goals and the challenge here is to be a part of the group without giving up your personal identity to it.

North Node in 8th house:

The universe is encouraging you to play up the aforementioned traits in these areas of life.
Consider the following: bond with another person and experience real intimacy. You may even meet a kindred soul that feels like a "soul-mate."
Become open to accepting the resources, or even the moral support that others give you. Learn to deal with issues concerning inheritance, or your partner's finances.
Major lifestyle transitions can happen. You'll discover that drastic changes beyond your control often bring rejuvenation to outworn situations and therefore, a new lease on life.
Pay attention to your dreams; they often contain psychic insights that can be pertinent to waking life scenarios. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to record impressions upon waking.

MC Conjunct or in hard aspect to Pluto:

Don't be surprised if you have your share of power struggles with authority figures. This aspect suggests domination and control. You can rise to a position of important influence over the lives of others. All efforts to climb to the top should be kept completely honest and aboveboard.
Consider some of the following career potentials: archaeology, espionage, psychiatry, mortuary science, the secret service, banking, or the medical profession--especially surgery.

Four or more Earth Signs

Stable and grounded, you will learn all about how to bring what you dream about into practical reality. Manifestation is the key here. Develop a habit of finishing whatever you start. Enjoy and appreciate the bounty that the earth offers.
You like feeling useful and you can develop a real talent for solid accomplishment in life. People admire your willingness to take responsibility for getting things done.

Chapter 13: House Rulerships

This chapter deals with an Astrological technique known as House Rulers. The "houses" of the horoscope deal primarily with your earth plane experiences. As such, the tone of these interpretations may appear to be more "predictive" in nature. Not all statements will apply absolutely to your experience. Here we are exploring some of the various options that may exist in your chart based on the links between these twelve major areas of life, the Houses of the Horoscope.

Ruler of 1st house in 3rd:

You're curious about life and learning is important to you. You want to get your ideas noticed and communication is important to you.
There is a strong need to feel well integrated into your immediate community and you may make many short local trips.
You tend to have a lot of interest in your siblings if you have them and you identify strongly with close relatives in general.

Ruler of 2nd house in 11th:

You may be someone who chooses to put some of your own money into supporting a humanitarian cause, or some other kind of organization representing a cause that you feel strongly about. There's a part of you that values efforts dedicated to creating changes which have global influence.
The money you earn yourself will assist in the manifestation of your fondest hopes and wishes. Open up a "dream come true" account for yourself.
Your sense of self worth is supported by the love you receive from others. Do yourself a favor and hang out with those who assist rather than detract from your causes. Wishes can come true when the self worth is strong enough to open the door for them.
Ruler of 3rd house in 11th:

This indicates that you may think quite a bit about changing the world through humanitarian or other group efforts.
You have many ideas about how to manifest your fondest hopes and wishes. Your thinking may be a bit radical, ahead of the times or unusual in some way.
You may have a lot of communication with friends, acquaintances and groups of people.

Ruler of 4th house in 11th:

Your home base may be subject to a lot of changing circumstances beyond your control or it might just be that your home is unusual in some way.
Your upbringing may have contributed to a desire for radical social change or perhaps your security needs are fulfilled through belonging to clubs and organizations or otherwise interacting with people in a common cause.

Ruler of 5th house in 4th:

Love and love affairs may be more fulfilling later in life.
Investments and speculation may be successfully applied to real estate and property matters.
Your children or children in general feel comfortable in your home.  Your children may become like your "parents" later in life.
Your creative ideas are often expressed in your home through decorating, cooking, etc.

Ruler of 6th house in 5th:

Your work could involve children. You tend to have a lot of worry and concern about your own children. You want only the best for them.
You would rather have the work you do be very creative or at least it should be something you get a lot of personal pleasure from. Additionally, the work you do could have some kind of risk attached to it.
If you have pets, you probably treat them like they were your children.

Ruler of 7th house in 11th:

Your marriage partner can be very much like a friend to you or the element of friendship is very important to both of you.
You may form a business partnership with a friend or acquaintance.  When it comes to committed relationships, either you or your partner may need a higher than usual degree of independence even within the framework of marriage.

Ruler of 8th house in 4th:

Other people's money may come your way towards the second half of your life or you can inherit some real estate.
A partner's resources could have an impact on your home or the place where you live.
Your attitude towards expressing deep intimacy with another person was strongly influenced by your upbringing.

Ruler of 9th house in 4th:

Your spiritual beliefs support your feelings of emotional security.  Someone during your upbringing influenced you with their own religious or philosophical beliefs.
Someone from overseas or from a long distance away may come to live with you later in life.  Your in-laws might even live with you at some point.

Ruler of 10th house in 5th:

You could feel a particularly strong sense of responsibility towards children in general or your own children.
Your main profession may rely on your creative abilities. Being in the public eye can represent an opportunity for you to "perform " in some way.
Your career can have an element of risk attached to it.

Ruler of 11th house in 11th:

Your friends are related to your participation in group causes.
Your hopes and wishes are unusual or ahead of the times in some way.
You can create wide-scale social change through participating with groups of people dedicated to a common cause.

Ruler of 12th house in 11th:

There could be a strong past life connection with your friends.  You could also have a kind of predestined involvement with certain organizations and large groups of people.  You may feel a desire to help others through humanitarian efforts and organizations. You may experience confusion about your friends.
Radical behavior that stems from rebelliousness simply for the sake of upsetting other people's applecarts can work against you eventually. Look for the common ground between yourself and others. Humans all have certain fundamental goals that are similar, the only real difference is the paths taken to achieve them.

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